012113: Mean Monday

I caught something ugly this weekend, and now I feel super sick. That's just fantastic with my first midterm coming up this Friday. What do I do when I'm sick? Lay around in sweats? Oh no, sick days call for pencil skirts! One thing I can fake well is being confident; I do it so well that I believe it. Pencil skirts scream out confidence; it gives a woman's body so much structure. In the spirit of being sick, I make myself feel good by looking good.

 Ladies and gents, pattern is your best friend! I'm digging the geometric look of not only the structure of the garments, but also the patterns. I love what the simple checkered skirt is doing--it looks so bazaar, just like how my body is feeling inside right now...eek.
Collar button up vest--Ecothrift: $1
Jones New York patterned sweater--Garage Sale: $1
Black and White checkered skirt--Momma's closet: FREE
Opaque black leggings--Walmart: $5
Coach ivory white handbag--Garage Sale: $10
Nine West black wedges--Garage Sale: $1
Total: $18, Price Per Wear (PPW): ~$4

My ten cents #2: MIX MATCHING IS OKAY! I used to be under the impression that you can only have either a patterned top with a solid bottom or vice versa. As long as the patterns are not fighting with each other, then the look should be fine. Also, MIX MATCH NEW AND OLD CLOTHES. Fashion trend comes and goes, and then comes back. The old is the new-new! (if that even makes sense)


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Growing up, I spent most of my time going on scavenger hunts with my mother from thrift stores to garage sales in search for something fab for practically ten cents. Now that I am a broke college student, I'm putting what I learned as a child back into practice and I would love to share my ten cents with you.

My Ten Cents Vocabulary

Price Per Wear (PPW): The cost break-down for a garment depending on the amount of wear it has. If a piece of clothing cost you $5 and you wear it 5 times, then it cost you a dollar each time you wear it; however, the more you wear it, the "cheaper" it gets.
#SSP: a developing project that uses culture as an outlet
