020713: Thrifty Thursday

Oh my, my last post was in January...I apologize once again for being so behind. Please blame organic chemistry for me, but I have alas finished my first round of midterms, and the second round starts next week. Eeeeeek. This outfit is a recap of my most recent visit to a thrift store--the 99 cents sweater event at Thrift Town...woooot! I had only 30 minutes to shop that day because I had to head over to UCD, but I grab this baby in the process. In the spirit of Thrifty Thursday, I pieced my favorite finds from the thrift store except for the crossbody; I have yet to thrift a handbag.

 I realized that I never take a picture of my shoes, which is always my favorite part of an outfit. I believe there is no such thing as TOO MANY shoes. See, with clothes, you can layer and make it completely new. You can't really layer on shoes... -____- Of course you can match different pairs with different outfits, but at the end of the day, that pair is a purple open toes wedge. Okay, my logic might not be on point this time, but I don't think I should ever put a buying-shoes-ban on myself. ;)

 Collar button up vest--Ecothrift: $1
Vintage patterned sweater-jacket (Swacket?)--Thrift Town:$1
High-waisted denim shorts--Ecothrift:$1
Fioni purple open toes wedge--Ecothrift: $3
BCBGeneration brown crossbody--Garage Sale: $3
Total: $9, Price Per Wear (PPW): ~$3

My ten cents #5:  BIZARRE IT UP. TAKE A RISK. TRUST YA INSTINCTS. To be completely honest, I was on the fence about the sweater-jacket. I loved the mixed colors and patterns on the back, but I felt like the flowers in the front was too wacko for me. I went shopping with my brother, and I couldn't stop asking him if it's weird, yet I did not have the heart to put it back. I eventually went with my gut feeling and splurged a dolla for it and now I love it. It's weird enough to accurately describe my taste, but it's not inappropriate.


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Meet The Author

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Growing up, I spent most of my time going on scavenger hunts with my mother from thrift stores to garage sales in search for something fab for practically ten cents. Now that I am a broke college student, I'm putting what I learned as a child back into practice and I would love to share my ten cents with you.

My Ten Cents Vocabulary

Price Per Wear (PPW): The cost break-down for a garment depending on the amount of wear it has. If a piece of clothing cost you $5 and you wear it 5 times, then it cost you a dollar each time you wear it; however, the more you wear it, the "cheaper" it gets.
#SSP: a developing project that uses culture as an outlet
