My Two Cents: Imperfections

As I mentioned on my Instagram, I am currently working on a few posts simultaneously, so this one is relatively spontaneous as it is a filler post; however, it is just as important to me as any other post. This is because I am putting myself in a vulnerable place when I speak about my imperfections, and I haven't done that since my acne post. I am totally okay with being an open-book because I hope someone can benefit from the nonsense that I write on here. Unlike acne, this "imperfection" will never go away regardless of the amount of product that I apply on my face, and this is because I was born with it. I was born with a birthmark in the form of a mole on my left side of my face. I know that it is unreasonable for me to be fixated on this mole given that it's super small and a lot of people have it worse than me. That, however, doesn't justify the way I felt growing up.

I didn't realize that I was bullied as a kid until recently. I thought bullying was normal; I thought it was part of growing up. It took me about two decades to realize that bullying is not normal and it is not okay. Being an ugly duckling, I was called names and my mole was an easy target. Throw in a crazy overbite and skin allergies, and that was my childhood. It got even more extreme when puberty granted me with acne.

I remember so vividly of the days where I would come home from school to vigorously wash my face in hopes of getting rid of that prominent spot. When that didn't work, I tried to pick and peel that layer of skin off of me. I was left with a nasty scab, and it was still there to mock me when my skin healed. (Wow, this confession is finally off my shoulders. Not even my family knows about this, but now they do! Haha.)

I thought I found the holy grail when I discovered the power of make-up. Your girl caked herself up with liquid and powder foundation in hopes of masking the mole. No luck, either the make-up was too translucent or the mole was way too prominent.

Let's just say my self-esteem and self-confidence were nonexistence at this point. I got tired of trying to get rid of the mole, and I started to let it be what it is.


I must admit, this blog has helped me shift the way in which I view myself. I used to be so fixated on the way others see me, but I have been forced to look at myself more critically as I write these posts. I would judge myself on the good's and bad's as I highlight them in these posts. Ironically, my mole started to become one of my favorite features as I realized that it's part of my identity. I don't know anyone who has the exact same birthmark located in the exact same place as me, and that, in a way, makes me different. I commonly preach on this medium of the importance of being different, so it would be hypocritical of me to not celebrate this mole.

So, mole, it looks like we are in this for life.


To my readers, I have a challenge for you. I challenged myself to do this everyday, and it does wonders for my self-love. Every single day, when you look in the mirror in the morning, find an "imperfection" and compliment it. I know it sounds so odd, but trust me, your self-esteem will thank you. Tell your "imperfection" why it's unique and different. For starters, there has never been and there will never be a person with that exact same "imperfection" as you. You are a unique individual, and nobody can take that away from you. You may not like your "imperfection," but I am sure that it's darling on you. Let it be "flabby arms" or a "big nose." I bet your arms give the best hugs in the world and your nose is probably as cute as a button.

What I'm trying to say is that there are two sides to every coin, and it's up to you to choose what side you want to look at. From personal experience, looking at things from the bright side is so much sweeter.


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Meet The Author

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Growing up, I spent most of my time going on scavenger hunts with my mother from thrift stores to garage sales in search for something fab for practically ten cents. Now that I am a broke college student, I'm putting what I learned as a child back into practice and I would love to share my ten cents with you.

My Ten Cents Vocabulary

Price Per Wear (PPW): The cost break-down for a garment depending on the amount of wear it has. If a piece of clothing cost you $5 and you wear it 5 times, then it cost you a dollar each time you wear it; however, the more you wear it, the "cheaper" it gets.
#SSP: a developing project that uses culture as an outlet
