Collaboration + 091916: Moody Monday

Hello, my love! This past weekend, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Taylor N. on a little something-something that was different for me. I received the set today, not too long ago, and I was inspired to blog the look.

Before our photoshoot, I asked Taylor whether or not he had an idea or theme in mind. He replied with "grunge street wear." Beyond color, I have never been so intimidated by clothing before. When I think of street wear, I think of urban and hip hop culture with jeans, baseball caps, and sneakers. That cannot be any different from what I typically wear, which includes dresses, wide-brim fedoras, and heels. Although I am very open to trying out new styles and trends, I have to remind myself to stay true to myself. With that being said, I tried to give "grunge street wear" a Diem-twist. I think I did okay!

The closest thing that I have to grudge is pleather. My favorite pleather piece is definitely this UNIF's Harley dress from Threadsence. The brand, itself, is so rad that I always feel of a certain characteristic when I wear it. I always get weird looks in it, but that only empowers me further.

I usually wear something girly underneath like a floral top to balance the dynamic, but for this photoshoot, I kept it monochromatic to put emphasis on the sultry makeup. I decided to go heavy and dark on the makeup for an urban-inspired look. For the eyes, I played with the dark shades of Urban Decay's Naked 2 palette. I used Pistol as my base color; I used Blackout for my creases; and I used Busted as my transition color. Lastly, for my lips, I wore NYX's Liquid Suede in Vintage.

UNIF Harley Dress--Threadsence: $19.99
Forever 21 off the shoulder top--F21: ~$10
Forever 21 studded faux leather booties--F21: $14.80
Forever 21 choker--F21: ~$6
Total: $50.79, Price Per Wear (PPW): ~$10
My Ten Cents #56: Surprise yourself. 
Thanks again, Taylor, for working with me! Keep doing you! 


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Meet The Author

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Growing up, I spent most of my time going on scavenger hunts with my mother from thrift stores to garage sales in search for something fab for practically ten cents. Now that I am a broke college student, I'm putting what I learned as a child back into practice and I would love to share my ten cents with you.

My Ten Cents Vocabulary

Price Per Wear (PPW): The cost break-down for a garment depending on the amount of wear it has. If a piece of clothing cost you $5 and you wear it 5 times, then it cost you a dollar each time you wear it; however, the more you wear it, the "cheaper" it gets.
#SSP: a developing project that uses culture as an outlet
